Different Types of Vaginal Discharge

All women have to contend with vaginal discharge at some point in their lives.  Vaginal discharge is a normal part of female functioning; it serves to sweep out bacteria and to lubricate the area in times of sex.  However, not all vaginal discharge is created equal and it can be an indication that something is amiss in your body.  What are the different types of vaginal discharge to watch for?

Healthy Vaginal Discharge

Healthy vaginal discharge has a certain appearance, odour and even texture should you care to touch it.  Healthy discharge will be clear or milky white and dry white or clear on your clothing.  It has no odour or very little odour and can be thick or thin, depending on what point of your menstrual cycle you’re on; it tends to be thicker when you are ovulating and almost nonexistent after your period.

Yeast Infection Discharge

Vaginal discharge from a yeast infection will be pretty distinctive.  It has a cottage cheese texture, thick and white and it will have a strong yeast odour.  It is almost always thick and it will look and feel pretty gross.  Yeast infection discharge is the body’s way of getting rid of the infection, but you can help it along with antibacterial.

Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge

Bacterial Vaginosis or BV is another common female complaint that can be seen in odd vaginal discharge.  In this case, the discharge will look cloudy and get the infamous fishy odour which plagues many women and drives sex into the ground.  BV is most often dealt with by using pills or cream as prescribed by your doctor.

STD Related Vaginal Discharge

Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are sexually transmitted diseases that can be seen in your discharge.  Trichomoniasis (or ‘trick’) gives off green, grey or yellow discharge which is frothy.  Gonorrhea (or the clap) can cause a yellow or cloudy discharge.  And Chlamydia may not show any symptoms at all, though in other women, it may be mistaken for another problem altogether.

Vaginal discharge is the body’s way of telling you how healthy it is, so pay attention to it!  If you have too much though, you may want to consider using Virgin Stick, an herbal soap which can reduce vaginal discharge, tighten a loose vagina and improve vaginal health.
