10 Common Sex Mistakes You Didn't Realize You Were Making

We already have enough on our minds without having to worry about what we're doing wrong in bed, but the truth is that the majority of us make a few frequent sex blunders! Both men and women commit faux pas, and today we're going over 13 of the most prevalent ones that both men and women commit. So, if you want to increase your sex life, performance, intimacy, and mood in the bedroom, keep reading:

1. Expecting Sex To Happen

This is a significant issue. It's almost as though couples who are dating or married want the other to initiate all of the time. Just because you've known somebody for a long time (or not) doesn't mean they can read your mind. After all, everyone wants to be wanted, so take the initiative and make the first move!

2. Pursuing Them Only At Home

This is another another major no-no. Sure, you've both been busy all day, but returning home, getting into bed, and then making romantic conversation isn't the best approach to seduce your lover. During the day, take a few minutes to send them a bawdy or suggestive text. A simple "I really want you right now" might work wonders in the bedroom.

3. Confining Yourselves To The Bedroom

There's a lot more to sex than what you can do in your bedroom - the plush sofa seats you bought last summer, the kitchen counter, the very huge table in the centre of your drawing room. Outside of the bedroom, things may get hot and heavy as well.

4. Letting Yourself Go Too Much

No one expects the relationship, or you, to be the same in a few months or years, but it doesn't mean you can't take care of yourself in the meanwhile. Body type, hygiene, dress sense, and other factors all have a role in attraction and, ultimately, sex. So think twice before cutting your nails and picking up that third piece of toast!

5. Not Familiarizing Yourself With Your Partner’s Anatomy

So, as the male half of the relationship, you've learned where the clitoris is and which positions best stimulate it, and as the female half of the relationship, you've learned which positions he prefers. However, just like a computer science degree, your knowledge is only useful if you keep it up to date. Knowing how your partner's body behaves and what they prefer in bed is relevant here. Every man and woman is unique, and once the initial lust and excitement of sex has worn off, it's a good idea to learn what they want and how they like it. Just to be clear, the penis and vaginal area aren't the only erogenous areas in the body.

6. Not Playing Out Any Fantasies

Relationships are built on a variety of factors, one of which is trust. It's a major problem to trust your spouse enough with your desires, but they have to ask or be interested in knowing! So make sure to try some of the naughtier stuff and notice how much closer it pulls you two together and how much more intimate your sex life becomes.

7. Not Slowing Down

While quick and filthy is a terrific formula to follow, remember that slow and lazy is a fantastic choice for those lazy weekends in bed. Take your time and enjoy the moments you spend entwined with your lover's body. It will be a really satisfying feeling.

8. Not Taking The Lead

It's a thrilling feeling to have the pleasure of not only initiating sex but also following his or her lead in bed. Demonstrate to your partner that you're going to have them just how you want them, and that you've carefully planned out how this session will go – it'll be a lot of fun for both of you.

9. Not Going South

This is true for both men and women, since each has their own reservations regarding whether or not going to town below is a wise choice. Here's a fact: when done correctly, it can be a really enjoyable experience for both parties. For a guy, sexual enjoyment without the pressure of performance, and for a lady, an opportunity to orgasm in a situation where penetration may not be adequate. There is no satisfactory counter-argument.

10. Staying Quiet

Please don't. Sex is a really private act, and a lot of the closeness comes from knowing how your partner reacts to you. Staying absolutely silent in bed can quickly ruin the vibe because your partner has no idea if you're having fun or if you really want to be there.