What are the differences between female and male orgasm

Men and women not only see the world in a different way, but also react to certain impulses in different ways, although in many cases with significant similarities. Sexually, we know that men react to stimulus more quickly than girls, as they can have an erection in 10 seconds, while women take nearly twice as long to get turned on. But when it comes to orgasm, what are the differences between female and male orgasm? Are there any? 
What are the differences between female and male orgasm
Once you have taken the first steps and foreplay begins, the process of excitng each other before intercourse officially begins. It is important to spend time on foreplay, especially for girls who need to stay stimulated and achieve optimal excitation before penetration.
Although men and women react differently to sexual stimulation, it is interesting that there are few differences in orgasms between boys and girls, and that they are treated merely as a physical issue, due to the difference of sex organs, rather than physiological.
When oxytocin begins to be released during sex, both men and women experience muscle contractions in pelvic and genital area that generates great pleasure. In both sexes they are presented in the same way, only in the case of women the vaginal muscles and the uterus contract and in the case of men it is the muscles of the prostate, vas deferens and seminal vesicles.
In fact several studies on the subject show that both men and women's orgasm feel the same and can describe the feeling of pleasure almost identically.
Nevertheless there are two fundamental differences, the first of which is usually men ejaculate during sex, a process that often accompanies male orgasm. Ejaculation and orgasm are not the same and you may experience one without the other, but they usually occur together and are often associated as the same thing.
It is also true that there are women who can ejaculate, but these are exceptions and it is not considered as a female sexual response.
The refractory period is another difference that is often proposed between male and female orgasms, even if only partially true.
As women do not ejaculate they do not experience a refractory period, so they have the ability to have several orgasms in a single sexual encounter, being multiorgasmic. But it is also true that not all women are multi-orgasmic or all men only have one orgasm in a sexual encounter.
Men who engage in practices such as tantric sex use maximum concentration during the encounter and are able to experience one to several orgasms before ejaculating. But given that the most common is that the man has to wait a while after ejaculating before being able to experience another orgasm, the basic difference between the two is seen as women's ability to chain the climax.
After several investigations, these are the differences that have been found between male and female orgasms. Studies indicate that both men and women equally enjoy sex, making it difficult to distinguish the enjoyment of each other.